Midwest South District
The Reverend
Benjamin R. Finnell
Presiding Elder
Mrs. Rose Finnell
First Lady of the District
First A. M. E. Church
Local Society: Mary F Handy
1111 N. Eighth Street, Kansas City, KS 66101;
Church Phone (913) 371-2805
Church Fax (913) 371-2845
Email: firstame@sbcglobal.net
Pastor Jason Thompson
Email: jdthompsonphd@gmail.com
Trinity A. M. E. Church
Local Society: Allen Ferguson
2201 N. Fifth Street, Kansas City, KS 66101;
Church Phone (913) 621-2306
Email: trinityamekc@att.net
Pastor Steven A. Cousin, Sr.
Email: scousin02@gmail.com
Saint Paul A.M.E. Church
Local Society: Helen K Newton
1756 N. Piatt Street ,Wichita , Kansas 67214
Church Phone (316) 265-5881
Church Website:
Church Email: stpaulwichita@gmail.com
Pastor Pamela Myrtis Hughes Mason
Email: pastorstpaulamecwichita@gmail.com
Ward Chapel/Cain-Grant A.M.E. Church
Local Society: Johnson White
2126 Prospect, Kansas City, Missouri 64127
Church Phone (816) 241-3719
Pastor Carmi V. Woods
Email: cvwoods3@aol.com
Grant Chapel A.M.E. Church
Local Society: Sarah Tanner
2750 N. Hillside, Wichita , Kansas 67219
Church Phone (316) 685-2682
Church Email: gcame.wichita@gmail.com
Website: www.grantchapelwichita.webstarts.com
Pastor V. Gordon Glenn, III
Email: rev_glenn@yahoo.com
Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church
Local Society: LaMcCampbell
3421 North 29th Street, Kansas City, KS 66104;
Church Phone (913) 371-7489
Church Email: allenamekck@att.net
Pastor Stacy Evans
Email: revevans@sbcglobal.net
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Local Society: Katherine D Tillman
411 Kiowa, Leavenworth, Kansas 66048
Church Phone (913) 682-8454
Church Email: bethelamelvnks@outlook.com
Pastor Eraina Aseme
Email: e_aseme@yahoo.com
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
1001 E. 3rd Street, Hutchinson, Kansas 67104Church Phone (620) 662-7180
Pastor Ed Donaldson
Email: ed2jr@hotmail.com
St. Paul A. M. E. Church
Local Society: Helen K Newton
3074 North 33rd Street, Kansas City, KS 66104
Church Phone (913) 342-4662;
Email: stpaulamekck@kc.rr.com
Pastor Patricia Winfrey
Email: revpew@gmail.com
St. Luke A. M. E. Church
Local Society:
900 New York Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Church Phone (785) 841-0847
Church Website: www.stlukeamelawrence.org
Pastor Verdell Taylor
Email: pastort77@aol.com
Mariah–Walker A. M. E. Church
Local Society:
2704 Linwood, Kansas City, MO 64127
Church Phone (816) 861-7652
Pastor Donald Morrison
Email: dmorrisonpie@gmail.com
St. Matthew’s Chapel A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
309 Spruce, Boonville, MO 65233
Church Phone (660) 882-6831
Church Email: stmattsames@yahoo.com
Pastor Bridget Mitchell
Email: brimitch39@hotmail.com
Hall’s Chapel A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
711 E. 11th. Street, Newton, Kansas 67114
Church Phone: (316) 333-8105
Pastor Michelle E. Cole Rucker
Email: cmrucker0802@att.net
Grant Chapel A. M. E. Church
Local Society: The Mattie B. Williams
2800 N. Tremont, Kansas City, KS 66101
Pastor Steven M. Barnes
Email: stevebarn1957@hotmail.com
Myers Chapel A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
1511 9th Street, Great Bend, Kansas 67530
Church Phone: (316) 792-3865
Pastor Glenn C. Nelson
Mount Olive A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
601 Congress Street, Emporia, Kansas 66801
Pastor Kevin M. Shields
Email: k4truthwarrior@yahoo.com
Ward Chapel A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
523 Buckeye, Iola, Kansas 66749
Pastor Joseph Bywaters
Greater New Bethel A. M. E. Church
Local Society:
1820 North 55th Street, Kansas City, KS 66102
Church Phone (913) 596-2211
Email: newbethel1206@aol.com
Pastor Edward Walzer, Jr.
Email: ewalzer@kc.rr.com
Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church
Local Society: Hortense Patrick
416 East Main, Independence, KS 67301
Pastor Ed Donaldson
Email: ed2jr@hotmail.com
Saint James A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
125 N. 4th Street, Arkansas City, Kansas 67005
Church Phone: (620) 442-4803
Pastor Odell Harris
Email: odell21@cox.net
Saint James A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
318 E. Lincoln, Wellington , Kansas 67152
Church Phone: (620) 326-5911
Pastor Robbin L. Davis
E-mail: rbndavis24@yahoo.com
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
1600 Manning Street, Winfield , Kansas 67156
Church Phone: (620) 221-4275
Pastor Jessie M. Reed
Email: reedjess@aol.com
Handy Chapel A.M.E. Church
Local Society:
311 W. 4th Street, Joplin, MO 64801
Phone: (417) 782-5711
Pastor Willie Rogers
Email: sweetpearogers@yahoo.com